somatic sex education

Does Therapy, or Intimacy, Heal Trauma?

Does Therapy, or Intimacy, Heal Trauma? Trauma is relationship rupture. Maybe this is especially true for sexual trauma – where violence so often occurs in an intimate, relational environment, and we get wounded at our very core. Therapy helps, sure. But I needed more. And I still need experiences of careful, caring, erotic attunement, with people who are knowledgeable, patient, and well-trained – and also loving.

Somatic Sex Education Professional Training

In a professional training for somatic sex educators, you will learn how to companion clients in the embodied reclaiming of sexual pleasure.

Psychedelic Medicine and Somatic Sexual Wellness

For me, Eros is our sacred well, our inmost core. Psychedelics weave us into conscious connection with the web of life and death; we feel wanted and welcome. So the intersection of somatic sexual wellness and psychedelic medicines can be a place of powerful magic – but also of grave danger, and potential for major misattunements.

Sacred Intimacy

Can sex be more than an exchange of pleasures? Can it be more even than the expression of romance? In the paradigm of sacred intimacy, sex is holy. Erotic energy is life force energy. It is an aspect of constellations, trees and tides. Sexual ecstasy is a way to honor and practice the divine in ourselves and others. It is a way to pray, celebrate, heal and transform. With every cell in our bodies, we can be and become love.