Does Therapy, or Intimacy, Heal Trauma?
Does Therapy, or Intimacy, Heal Trauma? Trauma is relationship rupture. Maybe this is especially true for sexual trauma – where violence so often occurs in an intimate, relational environment, and we get wounded at our very core. Therapy helps, sure. But I needed more. And I still need experiences of careful, caring, erotic attunement, with people who are knowledgeable, patient, and well-trained – and also loving.
Psychedelic guides like the Intimacy Educator Training
Psychedelic guides like the Intimacy Educator training. The online training in Intimacy Education is a place where people can do their own healing, as they learn a welcoming culture of Eros and intimacy for all genders. Guides feel empowered by it - personally and also professionally - to accompany diverse clients in critical aspects of their trauma and healing.
Queer Ancestors
Thinking about queer ancestors, a lineage of queer love becomes palpable, across generations and through time. Today I’m feeling so guided by Sequoia Thom’s life and death – and the way he navigated his “return to the beloved.”
6-Point Plan
What might a social revolution led by sacred intimates demand? Here is a playful manifesto and practical 6-Point Plan. Get Greedy. Want More. Pay for Love and Intimacy. Pay Extra for Injustice. Savour Inequality. Be Unworthy of Love. learn to Die.
Orgasm – the music of origin and end
This orgasm music from Barry Carl is a beautiful expression of the music-before-music. Solar flares, the pulse of distant stars, birdsong, and orgasm share the same rhythms… I’ve written about how psychedelic medicine and erotic practice can connect us with the ecstatic rhythms of the universe.
Breath and Energy Orgasm
Listening to this free 15-minute “Breath and Energy Orgasm” meditation from Caffyn Jesse is a way to ignite and amplify erotic aliveness, and enjoy an energy orgasm.
Somatic Sex Education Professional Training
In a professional training for somatic sex educators, you will learn how to companion clients in the embodied reclaiming of sexual pleasure.
Make Water Not War
In the midst of an extended drought, I am glad to say that I spent all day with a loving friend, synthesizing water. When we devote 7 hours to erotic play (instead the 7 minutes that is average, in North America), it is truly astonishing how much water gets born through our cellular processes. Ejaculate, injaculate (we have to pee a lot), sweat and tears – newborn water comes to join the hydrosphere. Our love-making is wanted and needed, by the intricate emergent system of the biosphere.
Going Beyond Consent
Going beyond consent requires neuroplastic change. Sometimes this biophysical requirement is just too much for us. Can we get brave enough, and safe enough, to go on wanting, and co-creating space and time, to play in the neural learning zone within and between us? Can we want excitement and ecstasy, along with peace and solidarity? Where can we be in an ongoing learning, about living outside of threat-management responses and well-practiced cultural scripts?