Beyond the Window of Tolerance
I do think ecstasy is a key resource for social change. To push against what is socially valued, and ordinary, we need to expand our nervous system capacities. Instead of seeking safety, we need to build capacity to respond to danger with courageous commitment to one another, and to our values. With ecstatic practice, we start to inhabit the full spectrum of our nervous systems. We become resourced to build a counternormative relational world.
Breath and Energy Orgasm
Listening to this free 15-minute “Breath and Energy Orgasm” meditation from Caffyn Jesse is a way to ignite and amplify erotic aliveness, and enjoy an energy orgasm.
Psychedelic Medicine and Somatic Sexual Wellness
For me, Eros is our sacred well, our inmost core. Psychedelics weave us into conscious connection with the web of life and death; we feel wanted and welcome. So the intersection of somatic sexual wellness and psychedelic medicines can be a place of powerful magic – but also of grave danger, and potential for major misattunements.